Weekly Podcast Teaching
Worship is on Sunday at 9:00 AM
We are here to follow Christ and make Christ known
Finding a church home can be quite a challenge. We value compassion, tolerance, love that serves one another, music, humour, eating together, and applying the wisdom of Scripture to our lives. We are a small, loving, Christian congregation nestled in the southern part of Walnut Creek. Our seven-acre campus lends itself to meditation, slowing down, contemplation, and quietness. Life is a journey, not a race, and really, what’s all the rush?
We desire to create a space where you and your loved ones can reflect, listen to the Scripture, and grow emotionally and spiritually into the people God created us to be.
Step back, reassess, and breathe. Are you ready for a change? Meet us on Sunday. We have roots in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), but over half of our members come from non-Lutheran backgrounds.
We welcome you to join us on Sunday morning as we gather together to listen to the wisdom of Jesus and stay connected to The Vine (one of Jesus’ many different names). We are intentional about integrating children into worship. We welcome you and your loved ones to join us every Sunday morning.
For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach." J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King, 20th century
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Song by Arranged by Ann M Callaway